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加入时间:2024年02月22日 17:04 来源:王从彦  访问量:



基于此,我所王从彦等人聚焦当前入侵生态学领域倍受关注的重大前沿科学问题之一,并独辟蹊径,重点解析三种均起源于美洲的菊科入侵植物共同入侵介导的入侵植物和本地植物共存机理及其环境生态效应与关键机理,具体以小飞蓬(Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq.; 亦称加拿大蓬、加拿大飞蓬、小蓬草、小白酒草、小白酒菊)、苏门白酒草(C. sumatrensis (Retz.) Walker)和加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis L.)为研究材料,对比分析以上三种菊科入侵植物共同入侵下入侵植物与本地植物功能性状的相似性和差异性及其共存机理,并进一步解析不同入侵类型(即:一种入侵植物的单一入侵、两种入侵植物的共同入侵以及三种入侵植物的共同入侵)下入侵植物对本地植物群落物种多样性和功能多样性、群落可入侵性以及土壤酶活性的影响和差异及其关键机理,从而进一步阐明多种入侵植物共同入侵的关键机理。


1. 三种菊科入侵植物共同入侵下入侵植物与本地植物功能性状的相似性和差异性及其共存机理




2. 三种菊科入侵植物共同入侵对本地植物群落物种多样性和功能多样性以及可入侵性的影响及其关键机理

(1)三种入侵植物小飞蓬、苏门白酒草和加拿大一枝黄花的入侵,不管是单一入侵,还是两种入侵植物共同入侵,亦或是三种入侵植物共同入侵,均在一定程度上增加了本地植物群落物种多样性和功能多样性。且不同入侵类型对本地植物群落物种多样性和功能多样性产生正面影响的强度大小均依次为:三种入侵植物共同入侵 > 两种入侵植物共同入侵 > 一种入侵植物单一入侵。因此,共同入侵的三种入侵植物对本地植物群落物种多样性和功能多样性的影响均存在一定程度的叠加效应。




Table 1 Differences in the total relative abundance of these three invasive alien species and plant taxonomic diversity under seven invasion combinations and the uninvaded controls.

Data (mean with standard error, n = 3) with different lowercase letters in a vertical column indicate statistically significant differences (P < 0.05). “ns” indicates no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05). P values equal to or lower than 0.05 are shown in bold. Abbreviations: CC, invasion by C. canadensis; CS, invasion by C. sumatrensis; SC, invasion by S. canadensis; CCCS, co-invasion by C. canadensis and C. sumatrensis; CCSC, co-invasion by C. canadensis and S. canadensis; CSSC, co-invasion by C. sumatrensis and S. canadensis; CCCSSC, co-invasion by C. canadensis, C. sumatrensis, and S. canadensis; RAi, the total relative abundance of these three invasive alien species; H’, Shannon’s diversity index; EH, Pielou’s evenness index; F, Margalef’s richness index.

Table 2 Correlations (r) between the total relative abundance of these three invasive alien species, and plant taxonomic and functional diversity under seven invasion combinations (n = 21).

* indicates statistically significant differences at the 0.05 probability level. P ≤ 0.05 are shown in bold. Abbreviations: RAi, the total relative abundance of these three invasive alien species; H’, Shannon’s diversity index; EH, Pielou’s evenness index; F, Margalef’s richness index; CWMPH, CWM of plant height; CWMLL, CWM of leaf length; CWMLW, CWM of leaf width; CWMGLA, CWM of green leaf area; CWMLCC, CWM of leaf chlorophyll concentration; CWMLNC, CWM of leaf nitrogen concentration; CWMmerged, the merged CWM trait value calculated as the mean of the measured traits; FDQ PH, FDQ of plant height; FDQ LL, FDQ of leaf length; FDQ LW, FDQ of leaf width; FDQ GLA, FDQ of green leaf area; FDQ LCC, FDQ of leaf chlorophyll content; FDQ LNC, FDQ of leaf nitrogen content; FDQ merged, the merged FDQ calculated as the mean of the measured traits.

Table 3 Correlations (r) between the number of invasive alien species (Si), and plant taxonomic and functional diversity across all study plots (n = 21).

* and *** indicate statistically significant differences at the 0.05 and 0.001 probability levels, respectively. P ≤ 0.05 are shown in bold. Abbreviations: RAi, the total relative abundance of these three invasive alien species; H’, Shannon’s diversity index; EH, Pielou’s evenness index; F, Margalef’s richness index; CWMPH, CWM of plant height; CWMLL, CWM of leaf length; CWMLW, CWM of leaf width; CWMGLA, CWM of green leaf area; CWMLCC, CWM of leaf chlorophyll concentration; CWMLNC, CWM of leaf nitrogen concentration; CWMmerged, the merged CWM trait value calculated as the mean of the measured traits; FDQ PH, FDQ of plant height; FDQ LL, FDQ of leaf length; FDQ LW, FDQ of leaf width; FDQ GLA, FDQ of green leaf area; FDQ LCC, FDQ of leaf chlorophyll content; FDQ LNC, FDQ of leaf nitrogen content; FDQ merged, the merged FDQ calculated as the mean of the measured traits.

Fig. 1 Functional difference index between these three invasive alien species and natives under seven invasion combinations. Bars (mean with standard error, n = 3) with “ns” indicate no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05). Note: these three invasive alien species and natives tend to show functional divergence when the value of this index is > 0 but tend to show functional convergence when the value of this index is < 0. Abbreviations: CC, invasion by C. canadensis; CS, invasion by C. sumatrensis; SC, invasion by S. canadensis; CCCS, co-invasion by C. canadensis and C. sumatrensis; CCSC, co-invasion by C. canadensis and S. canadensis; CSSC, co-invasion by C. sumatrensis and S. canadensis; CCCSSC, co-invasion by C. canadensis, C. sumatrensis, and S. canadensis.

Fig. 2 Differences in the Pianka’s niche overlap index under co-invasion by these three invasive alien species. Abbreviations: OCCCS, the Pianka’s niche overlap index between C. canadensis and C. sumatrensis; OCCSC, the Pianka’s niche overlap index between C. canadensis and S. canadensis; OCSSC, the Pianka’s niche overlap index between C. sumatrensis and S. canadensis.

Fig. 3 The schematic diagram of the Passenger-Driver Hypothesis [the drivers of changes: triggered distinct shifts in plant taxonomic diversity (including positive and negative effects of invasive alien species on plant taxonomic diversity); the passengers of changes: shifts in plant taxonomic diversity mediated by other factors (i.e., neutral effects of invasive alien species on plant taxonomic diversity)]. * indicates statistically significant differences (P < 0.05). “ns” indicates no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05).



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